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Alt Reviews

Tennessee Frisky and Idaho Green Reviewed

Tennessee Frisky and Idaho Green Reviewed

Tennessee Frisky – Monsanto

I’m not sure if you’ve been reading any other reviews lately, buying glossy magazines or checking out the evening news. If you are part of that shrinking demographic, you may have been lost in the sway of it all. It’s likely you just haven’t noticed, and that’s nothing to feel ashamed of. There aren’t many bad reviews anymore, and nobody dares attack celebrities. Corporations are only mentioned when their CEO is seen donating a check to a charity that, they assure us, they’ve always been passionate about. 

The great divide is just getting greater and you’re probably not on the side that’s getting richer. Any era has groups that make their wealth by any means necessary. For the past 250 years or so, any era has also had opponents to these ideas. But the man’s getting too strong. You probably won’t get kidnapped in a van for saying the wrong thing, but you’ll make enough enemies to make sure you’re never invited to the right parties and never get your big payday check signed. 

Tennessee Frisky’s “Monsanto” is a guitar-driven pop song through and through. But it’s a wicked sound about who the American band believe to be wicked people. The sweetness of the instrumental, which sounds like Gree Day covering CCR, is only balanced by the venom of the phrasing. Real protest songs, especially in the pop world, are a novelty these. The best you usually get with those are far-fetched conspiracy theories. Well, Tennessee Frisky is standing for the common man’s right to criticize and share disbelief in all the pretty advertisements about giant corporations desperately trying to make our lives better.

Idaho Green – Something New

Usually, when high school kids get together to form a band, they have long conversations about what genre they should play. They also talk all about the influences that they should bring to their new pet project. Discussions about what and how well each of the band members can play are by the by. Nobody bothers with those kinds of details. 

In the process of coming up with original material, some of the band members will come up with half-formed ideas. They’ll play it for the others. Most of it will be a collection of power chords played at full volume. The others love it. 

Occasionally, one of the young musicians will come in with a string of lovely chord progressions to which gorgeous melodies have been added. Usually, they’ll get laughed out the room. But the song will be stuck onto the setlist to add to its length. Typically, this will be the only song audiences of their first live shows will remember. 

Idaho Green’s “Something New” is a great power-pop song because it does what all songs under 2-minutes ought to make you do – get excited about being alive. If all bands could produce power pop music, all bands would. Too many try and fail. Idaho Green has the melodies and the energy, and out of fear that they’ll be accused of chasing something that is too pretty, they chase it all down with mean-sounding, distorted punk tactics. It works. 

Tennessee Frisky - Monsanto


Idaho Green - Something New




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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