The Dangaleros – Qué pasó Pistolero?
Where did the folk-punk of old wild west shoot ’em ups disappear? From Two Gallants to Hola Ghost, it is true that some bands are still dabbling in the outlaw guitar sound and stories of the tempestuous West. Yet, beyond these, the aesthetic and sound have garnered less traction, then you might expect from this rebel sound.
The Dangaleros set a new breath of life into these epic narratives. “Qué pasó Pistolero?” is a layered, campfire tune played on a belly full of whiskey. The Ennio Morricone soundscapes of the picked intro guitar give way to a twangy, reverb-drenched sound. Still, the beautifully harmonized vocals feel almost anticlimactic next to the melodrama being played out.
The final chapter of the story is reserved for a guitar narrated gun duel. Sparks fly, strings are broken, and bodies are splattered. The Dangaleros come out on top, cool, and collected.
Dimmy Graaf – Subway
Dimmy Graaf is the Altamont to David Bowie and Iggy Pop’s Woodstock. The intro to “Subway” takes the alluring “Nightclubbing” beat and turns into something utterly terrifying. It takes a lot to intimidate these black metal battered ear canals, but the beginning 30 seconds of this tune sound like they should be locked away in Supermax.
The vocals of Dutch singer Dimmy Graaf offer some assurance, with street-smart Leonard Cohen-like vocals musing about cold days, steamy windows, and dirty subway trains. The sound sticks to you like chewed-up gum on a brand new pair of snickers.
Dimmy Graaf is going for a subterrestrial-cool on single “Subway“. He generally hits the mark alright, and lefts plenty to be wondered about what the future may hold for this gutter-poet.
We are Stoked and honored for your epic review of our new tune PISTOLERO. Super appreciate your efforts to support the fringe, the obscure, and the unknown alternative rock music scene. Thanks for the good vibes and we hope to create more for ya’ll. Bang! Bang! -Rance Lane