The Housing Crisis – Better Weather
Similar artists: Yo La Tengo, Ambassador X, The Shins
Genre: Indie Rock
Musicians will a sensitive soul must get it torn to shreds. That is, at least, if they want to move forward and achieve their full potential. There’s really no way around it. There’s to circumvent the system.
The idea of going out in front of a potentially hostile group of people and singing to them about your feelings would freeze most people in fear. It’s unlike that the aforementioned musicians feel any better. But they must learn to overcome these feelings.
The payoff can be amazing. All songs are about something. And the really great ones tend to involve spilling one’s soul onto the tape. The potential for ridicule is always there. But it’s not there unless there’s also a great chance o winning something terrific.
The Housing Crisis’ Better Weather is sweet indie-pop about getting your heart broken and working out how to put it back again. It’s as airy and tender as can be. It’s also pleasant and, likely, earnest in its desirous thinking. Just how many people might be feeling the same way? A lot.
Sokojo – White Lighter
Genre: Pop Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock
Looking for investment advice? While I am not a professional adviser, I think that I can steer you in the right direction.
Put your money in gold and love songs! Those will never lose their value. People will never lose their fate with them.
But wait, I hear you complain about these trying times. You’re telling me that “love” doesn’t often get mentioned on the news. All they talk about are financial woes, wars, and the effects of social media.
Yes, yes, that might be true. Still, when was the last time in pop music history that a love song was not globally popular? Never, that’s when! We’re all romantics, even if some of us prefer to hide in foxholes.
Indie-rockers need a bit of romance as well. You got to respect that! Sokojo’s White Lighter is the post-dancefloor story of amour fueled by guitars and good times. The boys in the leather jackets might scoff. But their girlfriends will be spreading the message far and wide. At the end of the day, the world, even rockers and their friends, need a few words of love. You heard it here first!