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Alt Reviews

The Hypnatwists and Mooses Reviewed

The Hypnatwists and Mooses Reviewed

The Hypnatwists – Wicked Eyes

The thing about James Bond soundtrack tunes is that none of them are fast, chaotic, or lose focus before the last note of them has been played. That is something that they have in common with all other spy movie themes. The spies who are made the heroes of these stories are, after all, supposed to be people who can keep a cool head under immense pressure. 

The other notable thing is that these songs, like the spies, are mysterious. Their intentions and the strategies that they use to achieve them are never made entirely clear. They help describe a character that can be stylish and well-educated but also one that’s been trained to deceive, fight and even kill to get him aim. 

The Hypnatwists have written a great spy movie soundtrack. “Wicked Eyes” is a thriller, a tune that feels like it’s caught its own agency and wonders around town taking pictures of strangers and writing up files on them. The Hypnatwists are masters of using tension to their advantage and writing music that sways, slips away, and slithers. “Wicked Eyes” is a song that gets away from you the closer you try to get to it. 

Mooses – Crabby

There are no punks like the ones you saw in the movies anymore. None of those skinhead or mohawk-sporting guys wearing black boots and hitting each other with beer bottles in between songs. Or, at the very least, very few of them have any connection to the music scene anymore. Collectively, they’ve decided that fighting each other in a carpark before a football game was much more their style. Fair play for developing such great insight. 

Instead, most of the people who attach “punk” to their resumes, their social media profiles or, more pertinently, the tags on their songs when they post them on the internet are brainy weirdos. They don’t consume nearly enough amphetamine to join the classic punk division. Instead, their heads are all filled up with bizarre ideas of time signatures, weird instruments and lyrics talking about their favourite vintage gaming console. That’s pretty punk, and you won’t get a slash on the chin talking to them, either. 

Mooses’ “Crabby” is a cartoon song for a yet unapproved production. It hasn’t yet got the stamp on account of the fact that kids were reported to start spinning for hours on end in the same place after hearing in. Could it be due to the strange groove of the song? Or is it the deranged circus atmosphere? Either way, Mooses are cranky, funny and not playing by the rules. This is pretty punk rock if you ask me, but you won’t be able to use the soundtrack to the next World Cup using it, could you? 

The Hypnatwists - Wicked Eyes


Mooses - Crabby




About author

Eduard Banulescu is a writer, blogger, and musician. As a content writer, Eduard has contributed to numerous websites and publications, including FootballCoin, Play2Earn, BeIN Crypto, Business2Community, NapoliSerieA, Extra Time Talk, Nitrogen Sports, Bavarian FootballWorks, etc. He has written a book about Nirvana, hosts a music podcasts, and writes weekly content about some of the best, new and old, alternative musicians. Eduard also runs and acts as editor-in-chief of the alternative rock music website Mr. Banulescu is also a musician, having played and recorded in various bands and as a solo artist.
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