Old timely wisdom says that the most surefire way to chase good fortune away is by being tense at all times, staying angry, and being pessimistic. If this turns out to be true, it’s terrible news for the majority of modern rock bands. After all, many of them have been taught that rock songs are an expression of all the things that might have made them angry in this life.
The ones who’ve been around the block a few times and who still feel like smiling after all that they’ve seen have learned to take it easy. Like attracts like, as the crazed, raging rockers will likely find out, most audiences just want a nice groove to get lost into and maybe some words of encouragement.

After taking in as many of the good vibes out of an elongated Summer and after trying to deliver some of those back to those who have jumped on board their ship, The Ram is back with one of the band’s most forward-looking roots-rock jams, “Space Cowboy.”
If it is true that you only get what you give, the members of The Ram have little to worry about. “Space Cowboy” takes the band’s stories of travel and search for wisdom into backyard party territory. It’s the sound of a band playing to a group of friends just as the Sun goes down.
The band’s formula remains intact. “Space Cowboy” is sung with the same gruff, bluesy tone that fans of the band will recognise as the group’s calling card. Meanwhile, the bass slithers through the cracks left by the rest of the group and helps create a groove meant for slow dances and meditation.
Dig deeper, and The Ram remains on the search. Only that this time, like with the best songs by spiritual predecessors, The Grateful Dead, the destination is less important.
The “Space Cowboy” EP includes four additional versions of the song. The elongated, 8-minute live version is, perhaps, the best representation of The Ram, a group still learning from old-school values.
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