Baby FuzZ – I’m Trying My Freakin Best
There are certainly few artists we’ve featured on the website that possesses more charisma and star-potential than the man promoting himself under the moniker of Baby FuzZ. Advertising himself as an indie-rock enigma, FuzZ makes what I like to call stupid-Elton John music. It’s the sort of tunes that Tenacious D might start producing in the event that they convinced someone like Desmond Child to co-write their material.
The last single we got a chance to feature on Alt77 dealt with the hardships of the pandemic head-on and was quaintly titled We’re all gonna die!!! After this kind of headline, heading towards a more conservative direction would simply signify giving up.
The aptly titled I’m Trying My Freakin Best is the anthem of boneheaded persistence that we need at a time like this. The artist claims to have written this while carrying out a mammoth solo tour of the States and the burnout and hopefulness are described perfectly here. Watch out for the totally convincing Brian May guitar solo interjected in the final moments of the song. Baby FuzZ won’t really like you to know this, but he can really write, play and perform, man.
The Safety Meeting – Broken Promises
You take your heroes wherever you can get them. The alternative rock explosion eventually made way for grunge, a rock style, predominantly made in Seattle, that promised to return music to its roots, its core essentials, its unadulterated content.
Grunge was impressive, but the best of the musicians that the scene created shown reticence towards adopting their newfound rock star status. They quickly disappeared, or their music changed. Fortunately for the record labels, at a time when guitar music was still very much in vogue, post-grunge and nu-metal bands were more than willing to take some of the sonic ingredients delivered by Chris Cornell & co.
For some, though, the initial wave of Seattle bands represents the pinnacle of rock in recent decades. Judging by the quality of many of the albums made in that brief period, they may well well be right.
The Safety Meeting has studied the grunge stars, and are up to the challenge of creating their own version of events. Moody, mean arrangements, distorted guitars, and, especially, the hammering, gritty vocals are all set to convince you of their vision.