The overused mantra when it comes to periods of political turmoil is that at least they provide us great protest music, punk-rock especially.
This is not always reality! Are the charts any better today than they were 4 years ago?
How many people are making punk-rock in countries ruled by brutal dictatorships anyhow? Those Fucking Snowflakes are the exception rather than the law. And, that’s why it’s music that deserves celebrating, regardless of your feelings for the British Prime-Minister, the central character in the single “Boris Johnson and the Big Red Bus of Bullshit”.
The band waster little time on trying to be clever.
Instead, they focus on making their words sound lour and clear as they paint the picture of a power-hungry manipulator. This isn’t exactly political analysis of the most sophisticated order. But, punk rock remains the last line of defense for freedom of speech.
Find Those Fucking Snowflakes on Spotify.