Widows Gold – Thoughts & Prayers
If you really think that you can become a yogi, it’s not necessary to walk through the fire, step on broken glass, or hypnotise a cobra. The one thing that will really get you respected in the yogic community is if you can deeply meditate for hours while sitting in the New Delhi train station. One of the busiest places on Earth, the train station, will tell you precisely if you are ready to turn off the world in a bid to find enlightenment.
Any alternatives? Sure, you can meditate once in a while, take cold showers and do a run in the morning. You can also think happy thoughts, eat vegetables and send donations to animal shelters in Ukraine. But, like all the rest of us, you’ll be glued to your screen once election season hits, once the new Hollywood blockbuster is out, or once a billionaire does something really stupid.
It should all be a crime. That’s what Madeline Star and Ben Sauer of Widows Gold believe. The charming, warm “Thoughts & Prayers” is a song about misdirection and manipulation. It’s a song about the tragedy of our shared helplessness. The band creates a great alt-rock song by putting together a song that is dynamic but features excellent, affection-filled singing.
Rosie Frost – Supernova
What would heavyweight composer and ruiner of Germanic empires, Richard Wagner, think of rock music? No, I’m not speaking about Coldplay or the soft-rock variety that can accompany advertisements for soft drinks. What would Wagner think of loud, scary music played with electric instruments being blasted out of gigantic speakers?
A more honest man possessing the Bayreuth-born composer’s brain would have marvellous fun with it. The Wagnerian spirit would, however, force him into a competition. Think of all the emperors, heads of state, generals and chemically unbalanced teens who found their solace in operas composed by the man! They could just get much of that from a little speaker and from a 3-4 man combo.
Rosie Frost has composed a grunge rocker of Wagnerian proportions with “Supernova.” It’s up to you whether you accept it for what it is and allow it to hotwire your imagination. Rosie Frost has built everything you’re likely to need. It features mysterious and sinister-sounding vocals, punishing choruses and lyrics about being brought down and destroyed by the very thing you love. It now only takes a small combo and the right headphones to create your own Wagnerian opera, and the man himself would be jealous.