Wretched Thieves – SKIN
Beauty standards change all the time, right? Fashion models don’t just retire because of their age but because an entirely new standard is presented to the public every few years. And, the public usually accepts it.
It’s easy to assume that a modern beauty queen will have little to talk about with a correspondent who got by on their looks a few decades ago. It’s just how it goes? People who do well in society are always different from one age to another.
Delinquents, on the other hand, are pretty much the same. They have disdain for society and its norms. They like to live fast and follow their own rules. And, should different generations of delinquents meet each other in jail, they’d have plenty to discuss.
Wretched Thieves are new garage-rock delinquents. But, judging them on the strength of their single, “SKIN,” you can easily detect that the band really belongs to a rich history of musicians who didn’t play by the rules. The band members sound like people who like to mess up as a hobby, and the lyrics to their songs suggest the same thing. There’s no point in trying to be anybody else, and a waste of time developing your life into a lie!
Spike Polite & Sewage – Sewage hi-def
Conspiracy theories make life a whole lot more exciting! Most people feel this way, and that’s why they promote these stories with much more vigor than they promote the electoral process or recycling. And, frankly, I can’t blame them.
How can everything not mean anything? Well, most of the time, it doesn’t. Most of the time, idiots get into office because someone votes for them, not for other obscure reasons. Natural disasters mess everything up because that’s what nature does, not because God opted to make someone suffer.
And when you look at things that way, it’s bound to make you bored first and, then, really angry. How can everything be so bad for no reason? How can nobody even be worthy of being my enemy?
Spike Polite & Sewage know that there’s something that they should be angry about. They haven’t zoomed on it just yet. But often, that matters little when you’re making fast-paced punk rock. “Sewage hi-def” punches people and things indiscriminately and asks questions later. Frankly, we prefer it that way!