Nathaniel David Knox – Romania Mea (My Romania)
Genre: Indie Folk
Beauty is most certainly in the eye of the beholder. That’s an old saying that stays true. Another one that holds up is the one about it being impossible to be regarded as a prophet in your own hometown.
The moment I got to Berlin I saw it as some kind of bohemian utopia. I shared my excitement with Berliners and was met with puzzlement. “This dirty old place?“. I’d driven across Europe from a place that I too found old and dirty, my hometown of Bucharest.
It only makes sense that someone else might find beauty and hope in that city.
Nathaniel David Knox is an American who drove up to Romania and was so taken with the sights, the people and, one would assume, the drinks that he wrote a tune about. Romania Mea (My Romania) is charming, like a naive impressionist painting. I’ve seen a lot of Romania and can certainly understand why checking out the beautiful scenery, without actually having to live there, can feel tremendously rewarding. We don’t get many songs written about this land so thanks, Nathaniel!
Find Nathaniel David Knox on YouTube and his official website.
Wyatt Coulson & The Reserved Company – Lord, Help Me
Genre: Classic Rock, Art Rock
Managing expectations when it comes to pop culture is a strange thing. On the one hand, the artists who work in this area deal with the sort of topics and use techniques with which most of the world is familiar. On the other hand, pop art was created as a way to subvert the expectations of mainstream audiences.
If there is one thing that never gets is the blues, arguably the style from which every other form of pop music originated. Since the legacy of the blues can be traced back to practically every kind of tune you ever heard on the radio, quoting it can be of tremendous effect.
Wyatt Coulson & The Reserved Company quotes from the blues like a singer yelling beside a churchyard and wishing to get inside. Lord, Help Me is a mixture of classic rock and high-brow art made possible, frankly, by the fact that the blues remains terrifying in the hands of the right sort of artists.
Find Wyatt Coulson & The Reserved Company on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Thank you so much for this review! It’s such an honor to see my music on here. Glad to be in the company of so many amazing musicians and songwriters. LOVE Romania so much.